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Foundational Investing

Regardless of what stage of life you're in, building wealth is always a great goal to have. When you have access to ample savings and cash reserves, you'll be prepared in the event of an emergency and will be able to more effectively maintain your lifestyle during retirement. While everyone has different levels of wealth that they wish to build towards, there are some basic guidelines and suggestions that should help you get started. Below is an in-depth guide on how to build wealth over time.

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The Beginner's Guide to Cryptocurrency Investing

Whether you are new to investing or are someone who's spent years building an investment portfolio, one alternative type of investment is cryptocurrency. You may have heard of different types of cryptocurrencies, which include everything from Bitcoin to Ethereum. Unlike real estate and other stable investment opportunities, investing in cryptocurrencies requires you to take on a significant amount of risk for the potential of high returns. Before you put your money in cryptocurrency, you should have a better understanding of what this currency is and how it compares to traditional investments.

Understanding Crypto Investments

Cryptocurrency is a type of digital payment system that doesn't use traditional banks to verify the transactions that people make. This peer-to-peer system allows any individual to send or receive payments. Instead of using physical money that's carried around and placed into a bank, crypto payments are digital entries found on an online database.

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The Benefits and Downsides of a Roth IRA

The Roth IRA is a retirement savings plan that lets you save money for retirement while also paying tax on the income. You can contribute to a Roth IRA in any amount of your choosing, but there are limits on how much you can contribute each year and those limits change as your income changes.

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How Good Credit Affects Your Investment Opportunities

If you've used a credit card and applied for loans in the past, you should know how important your credit score can be. If your credit score is too low, it's much more difficult to gain approval for any type of loan. However, good credit isn't just about getting loans or credit cards. It can also significantly impact your investment opportunities. If you have little or no investment experience, you should understand what your credit score means for any future investments you make.

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Creating a Diversified Portfolio Beyond Stocks and Bonds

Creating an investment portfolio is a long-term journey that begins with a few simple investments. While the start of this journey can pose a challenge, it's oftentimes more difficult to figure out what to do next. If you believe that you aren't maximizing your investment potential, it's highly recommended that you look into diversification.

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The Financial Pyramid Series - Building Wealth Part 5

Regardless of what stage of life you're in, building wealth is always a great goal to have. When you have access to ample savings and cash reserves, you'll be prepared in the event of an emergency and will be able to more effectively maintain your lifestyle during retirement. While everyone has different levels of wealth that they wish to build towards, there are some basic guidelines and suggestions that should help you get started. Below is an in-depth guide on how to build wealth over time.

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The Financial Pyramid Series: Nest Egg Investing Part 4

Having access to ample savings is beneficial if you need to make a large purchase or take a vacation. It's also necessary when you're saving for retirement. One method you can use to save for retirement involves nest egg investing. You can build this nest egg with a retirement plan that's sponsored by your employer or an individual plan.

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The Financial Pyramid Series: Cash Reserves Part 3

Building personal cash reserves will improve your financial security and prepare you for anything that comes up in the future. Whether you experience a medical emergency or want to make sure that you have something to pass on to your heirs, building cash reserves isn't difficult as long as you take the right approach. By utilizing the financial pyramid technique, you can more effectively reach your financial goals and increase your cash reserves.

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Saving Money by Creating a Budget

When the economy is struggling and inflation is high, the rising costs of goods can make it difficult to rein in expenses. Saving money during times of inflation might seem impossible when you need to pay for your mortgage, health insurance, food, and a car payment. These expenses add up quickly. It's possible, however, to save money during inflation by creating a budget. Here are some money saving tips to keep in mind while you make a budget.

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What if you won the Lotto?!

Everyone has big dreams of hitting the Lottery, especially now when the jackpot is so huge. What they do with those winning varies slightly from person to person but you can often hear the typical “I’d buy a house” or “A personal jet” huge purchases or the more practical “pay off all my debt”. Although, we all know the winning is taxable, less discussed is the payout options available to winners.

Lump Sum Payment

The lotto winner receives the entire value of the prize at once, taxes are due on the total amount when you file their taxes for that year. You can invest the money right away to capitalize on potential returns and you have access to liquid funds. This option is best suited for prudent individuals who can manage their money wisely.

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