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Saving Money by Creating a Budget

When the economy is struggling and inflation is high, the rising costs of goods can make it difficult to rein in expenses. Saving money during times of inflation might seem impossible when you need to pay for your mortgage, health insurance, food, and a car payment. These expenses add up quickly. It's possible, however, to save money during inflation by creating a budget. Here are some money saving tips to keep in mind while you make a budget.

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Yield Curve Inversion

We hear a lot of coined terms thrown around by talking heads involved in the economy and it’s analysis. One is the “yield curve inversion” and how this ‘event’ marks a clear sign of upcoming recession. Yield curve inversions are when shorter-term government bonds have higher yields than long-term ones. This has been a hot topic of discussion in economic and market circles as everyone tries to determine where markets are going next.

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Budgeting During Inflation

Bloomberg economists have estimated that the average household in the U.S. will be spending upwards of $433 more per month in 2022 than they did last year. This is a minimum of $5,200 per year if you make no changes to your style of living. If your budget has little room for additional expenses, you will need to make some difficult decisions about your budget.

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Recession or Blip?

You’re likely reading about an “impending recession,” which sounds kind of scary, especially for those of us who remember the Great Recession of 2008-9. The question right now is: are we already in a recession, or just experiencing another bump in the roller coaster?

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Understanding Inflation

Inflation causes prices of goods and services to increase. Consumers can purchase fewer goods per dollar, input prices go up and revenues and profits go down. If economic growth accelerates very rapidly, demand grows even faster, and producers raise prices continually. In all, this action, slows down the economy so that supply & demand can recoup and become stable again. So, we understand on a base level what this does to our pocketbook but what does it mean for our savings and investments.

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Saving vs. Investing: What's the Difference?

Many equate saving with investing. Yet the two concepts are not entirely interchangeable, there is a difference between saving and investing. Saving is putting money away that is for later use with little to no risk of loss. While you save in order to invest, you then take on some risk by investing in assets which ideally will increase in value but that doesn’t always occur. Here are some of the key differences to understand.

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2019 Q4 Newsletter

Mike and I recently reflected on the past decade of the markets, and now that the New Year has come and gone, we can set our sites ahead for the future. The week of January 6th will be the first full week of trading after our holiday hangover. Market sentiment is a mixed bag and it appears that everyone has a wait and see attitude – this is a juxtaposition of where we were this time last year.

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