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Student Loans Part 1

Paying down student loans versus adding to retirement

Many people question the best use of expendable income as to whether or not additional payments should be made toward student loan debt or if those extra funds should be allocated toward savings or investments. If you have a reasonable expectation of high returns in the market the question becomes debatable however, if you are paying high interest, have a high balance or have unpredictable cash flow it is more than likely more prudent to try to pay down the student loan debt faster.

Here are some pros and cons for paying down the student loan debt or investing:

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How to Create a Budget That Works for You

Whether you're saving for retirement or planning a vacation, creating an effective budget is a great way to save money and avoid overspending. With a budget in hand, you'll have more control over your assets and can effectively track progress for any financial planning goals you've set. Below is a comprehensive guide that will help you create a budget that works for you.

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CARES Act Distribution Information

Under the CARES Act, individuals were eligible to take $100,000 of coronavirus-related distributions from retirement plans. In addition to the distributions being free of penalty there are also accommodations with the IRS for claiming the income as well as repayment of the distributions.

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Economic Impact Payments

Many have received the Economic Impact Payment from the IRS, while some still await their payment. Here are some facts that you should know:

Payments will be made throughout the rest of 2020. If you don’t receive a Payment this year, you can also claim it by filing a tax return for 2020 next year.

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Becoming Debt Free

Starting off the New Year on a good foot is always preferable but sometimes it takes a little planning and preparation to get you on track, especially when it comes to debt. Facing debt issues can be intimidating but pretending it isn't there makes matters much worse. There is no better time than the present to begin working on your finances and becoming debt free. 

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